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Group Name

Fat Pigeon Games

Game Engine

Unreal Engine

Coding Language


Game Concept

‘LEAP!’ is a puzzle platforming game, where the player has to complete each level in the fastest time possible. At the end of each level, the player will be shown how fast they finished the level and that time will be added to a global scoreboard, this way players can compete to see who gets the fastest time on each level. Also this game will have a story mode. This mode will allow players to get immersed within exiting and interactive environments.

Project Purpose

This game was developed for the Tranzfuser gamejam 2019. The theme of this gamejam was LEAP. My team and I quickly came up with an idea of a puzzle platformer where the player must place their own platforms in order to traverse the environments and try to get to the end of the level in the fastest time. Our game had been picked to be amongst one of the 5 games to be rewarded with a cash prize and an opportunity to further develop our game.


For this Project my role is lead level designer and programmer. For the programming parts, I worked on some player mechanics and level mechanics. Also I worked on creating particle effects for the player and environments. I also worked on creating the main menu interface and the interactive environment. 

Group Members

  • Arturs Kass - Team Leader | 3D Modeller

  • Sohaib Sarwar - Programmer| Lead Level design

  • Sohail Sarwar - UI/UX Programmer and design.

  • Alberto Dal Corso - Lead Programmer


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