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Group Name

Meep Productions

Game Engine

Unreal Engine

Coding Language

C++/ Blueprints

Game Concept

First person VR shooter that takes place in World War 1, the battle of Verdun. As a French Soldier the player is tasked to defend a small trench section from incoming waves of German Soldiers. The player must hold them off until ally reinforcements return.   

Project Purpose

This project was developed for a model called, game group project. This assignment required us to be in a group and come up with a game concept that can be developed into a game. My team and I came up with an idea for a VR war game. This was because developing for VR was new to us and we wanted to give it a go and learn something new. This project was developed using Unreal Engine. The reason for this is because we had all used the engine before and could start with the development as soon as possible.


The experience gave me more confidence developing for VR and it had also improved my Unreal Engine skills, along with my C++ and Blueprints knowledge.


For this project I was tasked with programming the AI. The AI had to run towards the player and shoot at random times so the player could not predict when the AI would shoot, making it challenging for the player. The AI also had to move to cover points places throughout the map when they were getting damaged by the player. This was so that they could heal up and return to battle. The covering system for the AI made it more harder for the player and kept them engaged. The AI was developed and programmed by using Behaviour Tress, Blackboards and Blueprints.

Group Members

  • Sohaib Sarwar- AI Programmer| 3D Modelling| Game Tester

  • Sohail Sarwar- AI Programmer| 3D Modelling| Game Tester

  • Adam Tedder- Team Leader| Lead Programmer| Game Tester

  • Arthur Kass- Lead 3D Modeller| Game Tester

  • Abdulrahman Baadil- Programmer|Game Tester


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